September 2014 - Show & Tell

Joyce Stroman - Clay Doll

Naomi Weston - Cloth Dolls

Barbara Fridie - Felted Doll

Sandi Howell -Art Journals & fabric Box

Cynthia Goldston - Crocheted Doll Dress

Gwen Jackson -Miniature Antique Sewing Machine  

February 1, 2014 Meeting

Challenge Winners

Viola Brown 
Best use of color 
1st Place Winner

Naomi Weston
Best use of color
2nd Place Winner

Barbara Mims
Viewers Choice

Crayon Color Doll Challenge

 Dolores Burghardt,,Barbara Jones,Viola Brown,
Barbara Mims, Sandi Howell
Naomi Weston, Barbara Fridie, Wilma Reid

Doll Coats

Doll Coats using the techniques taught by Deborah Williams
Constructed by
Barbara Fridie, Barbara Mims, Brenda Terry, Naomi Weston

Show & Tell

 Constructed by
 Wilma Reid

Constructed by
Naomi Weston

Constructed by 
Brenda Terry

Constructed by 
 Lucy Freeman

Constructed by
Barbara Fridie

Constructed by
Naomi Shelnut

  1. Constructed by
  2. Viola Brown